Roth Conversions

Roth Conversions

Converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA means transferring securities from the traditional IRA to the Roth, paying ordinary income tax on the value of the securities transferred, and resulting in a tax-free pot of money that will grow completely tax-free, even into future generations.

Three Ways to Get More Done in a Day

Three Ways to Get More Done in a Day

You may have heard statistics or evidence that multitasking can actually make people less efficient. Actually, in many cases that’s true. Generally speaking, multitasking decreases the level of knowledge and understanding in a given task; and, sometimes it can lead to...
How to Select the “Right” Financial Advisor

How to Select the “Right” Financial Advisor

Choosing a financial advisor is tough. There are generally a lot of options so how do you differentiate the crème de la créme of advisors who you can really trust to manage your hard-earned money? Why don’t you test drive a few models before you make a final purchase?...